ARKit Announcement San Jose, Calif.
On Monday Apple announced ARKit, an augmented reality kit that can be integrated into any iOs device with some pretty impressive capabilities. At the Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference 2017 in San Jose, California, Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, demonstrated how the AR framework translates its proficiencies in a real world setting. Building custom software for iOs devices with more complex features will be easier and appear smoother than ever before. Even the act of throwing a Pokeball at Pikachu looks more realistic with ARKit than when it was released in July 2016.
Augmented Reality is the Future
Tim Cook stated last year that “we are high on AR in the long run,” and that Apple will be investing into the Augmented Reality sphere, so the ARKit may have been one of the capabilities Apple was talking about. Apple’s AR framework is not unique in what it actually does. You may have already experienced AR through the infamous Pokemon Go, Snapchat Filters, or the Google Translate app. Wearable AR devices such as Microsoft Hololens and Oculus Rift have been leading the way in commercial and business sectors. Some of the ways Hololens has made an impact can be seen here.
Augmented reality will be the operating system of the future and replace all conventional computer devices including laptops and phones. The opportunities for development in software for training, development, design, or fun are truly limitless. Have AR ideas you want to talk about? Contact us at
*This article was created by Jorge Campos, Sr. Software Consultant at WBpro.